Databrawl Fan Ideas Wiki

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Databrawl Fan Ideas Wiki
Databrawl Fan Ideas Wiki logo.png
Looks like the Corruptions just found their next target.
Type: Fanon Wiki
Hosting service: Fandom/Miraheze
Founding date: October 27, 2019
Founder(s): ValentineSunrise

Databrawl Fan Ideas Wiki is a fanon wiki made for a Roblox game by the name of Databrawl created by Nekobyte Studios (Formerly known as Slam Dunc Studios). The wiki was founded by ValentineSunrise (Formerly known as FarmerBill) and co-founded by Dr. DreyJaden. This wiki is a place where people can make their own fan creations for Databrawl.

Why This Wiki Should Get a Computer Virus

  1. This wiki has some very strict quality control, pages must have at least 550 words or more for the pages, this makes it very time-consuming to make 1 page, though you can put the ArticleUnderConstruction template on your page, but if it has been under construction for 10 days, your article will be deleted.
    • However, there are many pages that have under 550 words yet still have not been deleted in over 10 days.
  2. The users of this wiki can be quite toxic a lot of the time, for example, there have been some instances where if you were to be inspired by other people's work, they will accuse you of plagiarizing them, even if you didn't take their creation for inspiration, they will still accuse you of plagiarism.
  3. Because Databrawl is not super well known and has been on a decline for the past couple of months, most of the staff of the wiki have not been active in so long, this also applies to many other users on the wiki barely being active nor being active at all
    • Because of this, the wiki has terrible administration which leads to more vandalism and drama.
  4. Many of the users on the wiki act like low-effort pages are a big threat when they are mostly harmless and can easily be deleted.
  5. Another contributor on the wiki's massive inactivity is the fact that Databrawl itself is not very well-known. It is an obscure Roblox game which could hinder it as there are many other Roblox games that are massively popular and Databrawl is one of those games that not many people are playing or talking about.
  6. The wikis are rules are also quite strict. for example, posting NSFW content results in a 1-year long block when it would be more reasonable for it to be around a week or two, a 1-year long block would be better if posting NSFW content is repeated several times.
  7. Overall, this wiki isn't very good, mainly boiling down to a toxic userbase and poor administration.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. There are some pages on the wiki that are actually well-written.
  2. Not all of the wiki's users are toxic.