Fanonia SpongeBobia

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Fanonia SpongeBobia
You are better off browsing the SpongeBob Fanon Wiki prior to 2024 instead of whatever this tiresome wiki is.
Type: Fan-creation encyclopedia
Hosting service: Fandom
Founding date: February 7, 2010
Founder(s): Gary the Gaget Dude

Fanonia SpongeBobia is Encyclopedia SpongeBobia's fanon wiki. It is a wiki that has pages of fan-fiction shows and episodes based on SpongeBob. It was founded by Gary the Gaget Dude on February 7, 2010.

Bad Qualities

  1. Its a massive rip-off of SpongeBob Fanon Wiki as that wiki is already a fanon wiki about SpongeBob so what's the point on making another?
    • What makes it sadder that SpongeBob Fanon Wiki has been going downhill since 2024, making this wiki look interesting and just as unuseable.
    • In fact, some pages even copy content from that wiki.[1]
  2. This only exists because all because of a situation. Why can't they just help fix it by making the wikis improve THAN JUST CREATING ANOTHER ONE.
  3. It even contains content not for kids, like drugs, sex and swearing, even though this is a wiki for younger SpongeBob fans. SBFW does the same thing.[2]
  4. It even contains page for some officially-licensed content which are not fanon such as Encyclopedia SpongeBobia.
  5. Behind Closed Doors was at one point featured on the home page to shock users. SBFW did the same thing.[3]

Good Qualities

  1. It does list content that is not made on SpongeBob Fanon Wiki and unlike that wiki, it doesn't have any Chris Chan or other brainrot content unlike that wiki.
  2. It is officially licensed by Encyclopedia SpongeBobia.
  3. At least the users are nice and not toxic.
  4. The wiki is not bad, just a lot of flaws to the point where it is on the wiki.


  • This wiki is mostly inactive, as the SpongeBob Fanon Wiki is more popular than this one and even then is still barely active.
