User:Icantthinkofanamexd/Dream Fandom and Hatedom (Toxic Fandoms and Hatedoms Wiki Parody)

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Note: This subpage was meant to pretty much parody Toxic Fandoms and Hatedoms Wiki pages and is also based on the Dream fandom and hatedom which are criticized by many for being very toxic. And if the TF&H Wiki is still open today, it's no doubt that a page about the 2 sides will exist on that wiki. Also, this page is unfinished.

Dream Fandom and Hatedom
That's definitely not what the point of the mask is.
Nickname: Dream Stans (Fandom)
Dream Antis (Hatedom)
Type: YouTuber Fandom and Hatedom
Status: Very Active (Fandom)
Extremely Active (Hatedom)

Dream, otherwise known by his real name Clay or DreamWasTaken is a Minecraft YouTuber who is best known for his manhunt videos, and he gained mainstream popularity thanks to his speedrun attempt on Minecraft in which he accidentally cheated. However, his fandom is infamous for being very toxic which also led to toxic members of the hatedom exist in the first place.

Why They're Going to Have Bad Dreams


  1. Both sides tarnished the Minecraft and gaming communities.
  2. SJWs are prevalent on both sides.
  3. Twitter is infested with them, and they also constantly and rabidly bash each other.
  4. Some members of both sides literally celebrated Technoblade's death.
  5. Some members of both sides even treated their opinions that Dream is the best YouTuber and he sucks as facts respectively.


  1. They treated Dream like God and fetishized him instead of treating him like a normal person.
    • For example, they made Dream go trending on Twitter just because his neck got revealed in MrBeast's 2020 YouTube Rewind video.
  2. They made a dumb sexual preference called "Dreamsexuality", in which people who are Dreamsexuals are those who have romantic attractions to Dream. In fact, it's not even a sexuality, it's basically just having a crush on Dream!
  3. They even make weird fanfictions of Dream and roleplayed as him or any other members of his SMP, which is impersonating, and impersonating real-life people is illegal.
    • On top of that, they even have rabid shippers who ship Dream with GeorgeNotFound.
  4. Speaking of fanfictions, some of them even made inappropriate art of him or any other of his SMP members.
    • Even worse, some of them even simp for or make child pornography and pornographic fanfictions of Tommyinnit and some other Dream SMP members before they became 18 years old, which makes them pedophiles.
  5. They cannot take criticism of Dream at all, and they would bash anyone who hate on Dream. They even went as far as to label Dream's haters as antis despite some of them having a good reason to like Dream!
    • For example, They even bash anyone who dislikes his song Mask and/or its music video despite a complete mess the music video is.
    • Prior to Dream admitting that he cheated, they denied Dream's cheating on his infamous Minecraft speedrun despite the fact that it actually had a reason to be rejected. Despite this, there are still some Dream fans that still denied his allegations despite Dream already admitting that he cheated.
    • Speaking of which, they also can't even handle any jokes of Dream at all.[1]
  6. They doxxed a YouTuber named KreekCraft just because he allegedly met Dream at his High School.
  7. They rigged the 2020 Minecraft Mob Vote because Dream told people to vote for Glow Squid despite the fact that he most likely said it as a joke, which caused drama.
  8. This.
  9. One of them even vandalized a Native American memorial with permanent marker, which is disrespecting the dead, as well as a hate crime towards Native Americans!
  10. Speaking of the bad quality above, Dream himself also has a music career, which also means that some members of the fandom are also part of the Michael Jackson Hatedom only because Jackson's music is more popular than Dream's.
    • And speaking of which, some members are also part of other toxic music hatedoms.
  11. They canceled a SMP member named Quackity just because he spoke Spanish. First of all, Quackity is Mexican, and Spanish is the official language of Mexico, which also makes them xenophobes.
  12. Hypocrisy: They bash the sus remix of Mask because the song was inappropriate and offensive to Dream, and yet they make NSFW fanfictions and arts of Dream and other members of the SMP.


  1. They don't just hate on Dream, they treat him as if he was the resurrection of Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden or Joseph Stalin.
  2. They also attack anyone who likes Dream, and they would even call them a "stan" even if there are people that like Dream and aren't obsessed with him. Also, some of them even attack anyone who like other members of the Dream SMP. Not to mention that they even sent death threats to Dream fans, especially those who aren't toxic and are healthy!
  3. It's not surprising to say that some of them are also part of the toxic side of the Minecraft Hatedom.
  4. They also led the Dream Burger, a collaboration of Dream with MrBeast Burger, becoming canceled just because it is related to Dream. We are not joking.
  5. One of them even spammed images of deformed corpses to the toxic Dream fans as well!
  6. Some of them made hate memes of Dream like this one.
  7. They even call chill Dream fans "fatherless" which is very offensive to those without a father figure.
  8. Speaking of the recent controversy of Dream's grooming allegations (in which the evidence are still unconfirmed), they even bashed Dream and called him a pedophile despite the afromentioned evidence is still not yet confirmed to be true. Sounds familiar?
  9. Just like how there are a bunch of SJWs in the hatedom, there are also some rabid anti-SJWs in the hatedom as well.

Redeeming Qualities


  1. Although some members of both sides celebrated Technoblade's death, there are also some members of both sides that paid respects to Technoblade.
  2. Some of them have valid reasons on why they hate the song Mask as well as its music video.


  1. Despite the inappropriate art some members of the fandom made, some of them are talented in art and made nice fan arts of Dream and rest of the SMP.
    • In fact, some of them also make amazing animations of Dream like this one!
  2. It is also safe to say that some healthy fans exist, and are able to take criticism, especially on Reddit.
    • Some even criticize some of Dream's controversial actions such as the 2020 Minecraft Mob Vote rigging and the Mask music video.
  3. Some of them are fully aware of how toxic the fandom is.


  1. They did have a point to hate on the fandom for being very toxic.
  2. Not all of them hate Dream just because of his fandom and has valid reasons on why they hate Dream, such as the fact that he was the one responsible for rigging the 2020 Minecraft Mob Vote.
