
From Tiresome Wikis Wiki
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Here is my final message for TWW:

You can try to restore this wiki, but in the end it won't last, as it will just attract a bunch of retarded manchildren who whine about how some wiki sucks because some 12 year old pissed them off.

The claims that this wiki is for criticism is bullshit, you guys only want to shittalk the people on the wikis and shit like that. Say how much it's for "criticism" you want, but actions speak louder than words, and the actions of people on this wiki, such as the way they worded some of the reasonings ("abusive admins such as whats her face, john doe, and princesspeachismywife", "toxic users such as shitnugget69, so and so, and my ass") are making my ears bleed. This wiki is clearly for shittalking, and you can deny it all you want, but in the end it always will be. It will just be another Encyclopedia Dramatica ripoff, like the other "bad wikis wiki" sites.

Now you can just go back to being normal nobodies on the internet, or nasty perverts touching yourselves while thinking of your animu waifus. Fuck this, I'm out.