Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki

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Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki
"But it's criticism!" It could be, if you didn't exaggerate it.
Type: Reception Wiki
Hosting service: Miraheze
Founding date: May 23, 2020
Closing date: September 21, 2020
Also/formerly known as: Unfavorable Fandom Wikis (URL name)

Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki was a Miraheze wiki that was founded on May 23, 2020,[1] and was closed on September 21, 2020 for violating Miraheze's Content Policy.[2] The wiki was primarily meant to criticize users (primarily Fandom users) and wikis, but a good chunk of pages had harmful gossip and hate speech.

Why It Was Dramatically Unfavorable

  1. While a wiki criticizing other wikis is a decent concept, a wiki criticizing real people is a poor concept even on paper as people can deceive and/or slander other people by means of the wiki. This did in fact end up happening; it got so bad that some people considered the wiki an "Encyclopedia Dramatica Lite".[3]
    • It's also a reboot of Reception Flame Wars Wiki,[4] which in turn was a reboot of Horrid Reception Wikis Wiki[5] and Intentionally Bad Wikis and Users Wiki.[6] Recreating a wiki with exactly the same concept as these three did nothing to address the problems that the three wikis had; if anything, it worsened things by causing more drama and flame wars than their previous incarnations.
  2. Pacsonic9000, Rainstorm1650, Inkster, and others did a poor job administrating the wiki.
    • While the administration did get rid of spam and vandalism, they didn't always agree with each other and had trouble cooperating.
    • The admins were biased and perhaps prideful, as when a few users politely (though sometimes impolitely) asked for pages to be deleted because they were false or petty, they refused.[7]
    • ScratchCoder can't even take criticism and dismissed several valid complaints about the wiki.[8]
  3. Regular users like HellLord, Anonymy, and MeMeGuYWasLost didn't really help a whole lot with the toxicity.
    • Several people harassed users in the comment sections, and not many got deleted even though rule 16 stated that users couldn't defame anyone.[9][10]
    • At least nine different users argued with Zppix when he deleted a few pages on the wiki.
  4. Many pages had invalid or false reasons such as "they think this user is more than one person", "this user is a pedophile", "this user edited a lot just to cover something up," etc.[11][12]
    • Some pages were also poorly written,[13]overexaggerated,[14][15] or even missing a leading sentence.[16]
    • Most pages also lacked reliable sources.[17][18][19]
  5. Some users, such as Caulipower and Rainstorm1650, didn't initially accept that the wiki had to be closed.[20] This shows that the wiki left a lingering odor that was hard to get rid of.
  6. The wiki was full of gossip and false statements about people the editors barely knew. They would treat their opinions as facts and be so sure of the user's mindset; reality of the user's actual mind was hard for them to grasp.
    • Users such as Just Leon were added to the wiki due to personal bias and conflict instead of actual valid reasons.
    • One user who had a page (which got deleted before the wiki's deletion) on this wiki attempted to commit suicide; this shows that the wiki really didn't take the consequences of their actions seriously.[21]

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Many admins, such as Hookuai, DuchessTheSponge, and CircleyDoesExtracter, were pretty decent handling certain things overall, even if they made questionable choices at times; many of its users were also constructive contributors.
  2. Many pages, such as those on Willg8686/Kadabra,[22] Pinga Bird, Wpetoi, and Bad Scratch Wiki[23] did not feel like attack articles; instead, they legitimately called out the users and suggested ways they can improve. The PKMNLivesNew page felt like a history lesson for the reception wikis![24]
    • Some pages could have been considered helpful and eye-opening; on top of that, some pages did have links to back up their claims.[25]


  1. Wiki requests queue - Miraheze Meta . Accessed 13 March 2024.
  2. All public logs - Miraheze Meta . Accessed 13 March 2024.
  3. Steward requests/Archive 13 - Miraheze Meta . Accessed 22 March 2024.
  4. Reception Flame Wars Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  5. Horrid Reception Wikis Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  6. Permission error - Intentionally Bad Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  7. should we delete kamafa's page for mercy? on Talk:Main Page (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  8. Steward requests/Archive 14 - Miraheze Meta . Accessed 20 March 2024.
  9. GalaxyRailways2199 - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived)
  10. Cowsgumball31 - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  11. Looperreallyreallysucks - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  12. Nitesh Surya Vanapalli - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  13. Henry Danger Wiki - Unfavorable Fandom Wikis (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  14. Violette1st Fanon Wiki - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  15. Qubo Wiki - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  16. Madelinefan103 - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  17. Dream Fiction Wiki - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  18. Checker Fred - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  19. Atrocious YouTubers Wiki - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  20. Requests for Comment/Topic ban Reception wikis: Difference between revisions - Miraheze Meta . Accessed 13 March 2024.
  21. Message Wall:KBOS2004 | Fanon Kingdom Wiki | Fandom . Accessed 13 March 2024.
  22. Kadabra - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  23. Bad Scratch Wiki - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  24. PKMNLivesNew - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.
  25. GalaxyRailways2199 - Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki (archived). Accessed 13 March 2024.