Atrocious YouTubers Wiki

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Atrocious YouTubers Wiki
When a wiki about bad YouTubers ends up ruining an entire wikifarm's reputation
Type: Reception wiki
Hosting service: Fandom (June-September 2018)
Miraheze (September 2018-September 2020)
Founding date: June 18, 2018 (Fandom)[1]

September 11, 2018 (Miraheze)[2]

Closing date: September 2018 (FANDOM)
September 22, 2020 (Miraheze)[3]

Atrocious YouTubers Wiki was a reception wiki focused on bad YouTubers, YouTube channels, YouTube content, and atrocious moments in YouTube history. It was founded by The Nose (formerly known as Emoticon Rules!/MiiFan2004 when founded over on FANDOM) on June 18, 2018 on Fandom.[1] It was recreated on Miraheze on September 11, 2018,[2] and was closed on September 22, 2020 by NDKilla for Content Policy violations.[3]The wiki was intended to criticize YouTubers notorious for their infamy, as well as YouTube videos of the same reason as well as infamous moments in YouTube history. However, the wiki became infamous in of itself for its poor quality control, several amounts of drama occurred, and was notorious for being one of the reasons why Miraheze became a hated wikifarm in general.

Why It Was Atrocious Itself

  1. Quantity over quality. There was no setbacks for what could or could not be on the wiki (though there was a blacklist that was posted on the front page, but it didn't really do the wiki any favors) and there was very little quality control.
    • About a good chunk of the pages that were posted on the wiki mainly focused on small YouTubers, mostly GoAnimators (or Vyonders), Gacha users, trolls, and mainly little kids acting like little kids.
    • There were also pages about YouTubers and YouTube videos that weren't even bad to begin with. Even if they did have flaws, there were not notoriously bad enough to earn themselves a page on the wiki. Some pages that were on there included:
      • Cinema Sins[4] (was added on there despite only having 2 reasons (7 was the minimum amount of reasons to validate a page) and also was mainly to prove that the channel wasn't satire by giving out ridiculous reasons to do so (for instance, literally one of the pointers states the following: "Quite possibly the biggest flaw in the satire defense, however, is that in another video on the CinemaSins Jeremy channel, Jeremy explains, "But, more importantly, the reason why we started that channel was to point out when Hollywood started slacking". Therefore, CinemaSins is not satire. Plain and simple.", which proves absolutely nothing why CinemaSins isn't satire and adding the words "plain and simple" pretty much makes the argument worthless to validate)
      • ZONE TOONS[5] (was added on there because it's porn; this wiki was known for being extremely anti-porn despite defending a porn parody from her over some drama that will be addressed later on)
      • Dareen Younes (while not archived, this can be confirmed a page about this YouTuber was made by The Nose himself; was added on there simply to put: he makes "cringeworthy" werewolf animations)
      • IULITMx[6] (archived from the original Crappy Games Wiki; was later imported to Atrocious YouTubers Wiki; was made because of several bold claims that for starters, he puts "no effort" to his videos despite his content literally being gameplay videos, is milking off Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning mods, Five Nights at Freddy's fan games, and Piggy for profit, and overall gives the Baldi's Basics community a bad name which is absolutely untrue given how Baldi still has a following to this day thanks to the Friday Night Funkin community)
      • OGGY[7] (was added there because of clickbait thumbnails despite being the most reliable way to watch full episodes of Oggy and the Cockroaches...and the page unironically contradicts itself by even admitting that via a redeeming quality)
      • Arlo[8] (despite its short-lived lifespan, it perhaps became the wiki's most infamous article as it pretty much put to wiki into publicity after Arlo himself discovered the page and proceeded to criticize the article while also making note of content creator harassment on his Twitter/X account[9]...and for good reason; was added on there because the user who wrote the article did not like Arlo's love for Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and how he wanted a remaster of it (which funny enough, The Thousand-Year Door would get a remaster 4 years later) and proceeded to add reasons that were not only half-baked and false, but also felt like they were made up simply as a "take that" moment towards a YouTuber the user didn't like rather than making a well constructed page)
    • During its early days on FANDOM, The Nose (formerly known as Emoticon Rules!/MiiFan2004) made several pages of YouTubers and videos that targeted towards the Ben 10 franchise. At the time, he was known to having a huge hatred against the franchise (which thankfully died around mid-2019 due to his focus being more set on his love for UglyDolls and the Guillmero del Toro Hellboy movies) and would shoehorn his own opinions on the franchise while writing the pages.
      • There were 2 articles he put a lot of focus on, which both focused on the fandom. He had split the fandom into 2 sides (one being the "Ultimate Oriforce" community (the one side that prefers the first 3 series of the franchise) and the other, which he put way more focus on, being the "Omnireboot" community (the other side that prefers the last 2 series of the franchise)). Even if the articles were well-written, it did not fit the wiki at all, because the pages focused on the entire fandom, not the YouTubers and how they affected YouTube in general (they did nothing that harmed the platform). In fact, partially the only reason why it was even on there was because he was banned off Toxic Fandoms and Hatedoms Wiki permanently for obnoxious behavior.
      • There was even a page on the webcomic 5 Years Later created by The Ink Tank (which he also had his own page on the website). Again, that's a webcomic, not a YouTuber, not a video, nothing to do with YouTube. In fact, it's not even on YouTube. It's literally on The Ink Tank's own page.[10]
    • Similarly, one of the admins, Mar9122, would import pages he made on Awful YouTubers Wiki (a failed wiki made by EezyCheezy which also had its own page on there), which were mainly focused on YouTubers that talked about the Halo franchise. The difference is that Mar actually liked Halo where as The Nose didn't like Ben 10.
      • However, the YouTubers he added where mainly those he used to be friends with but due to his obnoxious behavior (which he had claimed to change but proved otherwise), they have since abounded him, which made him mad and he labeled them as enemies. He would provide mainly a lot of half-baked reasons only to get to the true purpose that they, to quote, "ruined Mar's life and now they're out to get him". However, only one YouTuber at the time continued to harass him and even found his own article there, everyone else moved on.
        • The Nose had a similar situation. He made an article over a user known as koolboy he had huge conflict with due to the user negatively replying to a lot of his YouTube comments on several Ben 10 videos. However, a friend of koolboy known as Idl3Tnkr found the article and reacted negatively to it, which led to him being banned (the wiki does not handle criticism, an issue that will be addressed later on). Idl3Tnkr would then show the page to koolboy, making him upset and making the conflict worse than ever. It was then resolved when Mar put The Nose and koolboy in a private chat and would eventually resolve the whole thing together.
    • There were even articles of YouTubers criticizing the wiki as well as videos with the same premise, even if they were just generic Vyond-style rants or troll-like behavior.
  2. The admins, as well as the founder himself, were generally terrible at keeping the wiki drama-free and had several problems of their own. Some would even take note of that and would depart from the wiki.
    • The Nose was extremely biased about his opinions and would force it into a lot of the pages he made, such as the aforementioned pages regarding Ben 10 content. He also had a massive hatred against the Ben 10 franchise and for a while the wiki put heavy focus on the franchise despite being called Atrocious YouTubers Wiki, not Atrocious Ben 10 Content Wiki.
      • He was also very restrictive over what meme could be on the wiki and what couldn't. There were even pages based off of certain memes such as the Cory in the House trend from 2017. Thankfully, he loosened up from the restriction around late 2019.
      • He was eventually demoted from his administrator position in late 2019 after controversially blocking DrewPicklesIsSwell which led to one of his friends getting gradually upset despite the former showing obnoxious behavior and even insulting him. He gained the position back in August 2020, a month before the wiki closed.
    • Mar9122 was very rude and hostile to pretty much a lot of people during his entire time on the Internet (and not just YouTube in the past) and even went as far to get his closest friends to bully an 11 year old known as TheToonTrain off the wiki (though thankfully not off the Internet entirely) all because the kid made a video about him which was just a poorly edited clip of The Simpsons where he chokes Mar, and instead of just simply ignoring him, he declared war on him and managed to make several hate videos out of him and had his closest friends do the exact same thing.
      • He was responsible for half of the drama that occurred on the wiki, and even if he didn't cause it, he would drag it constantly because he is very bloodthirsty for that kind of stuff even if he claims otherwise.
      • Before all that, he would attack people in the Halo Community, most notable GLL.
      • He refuses to take criticism, acting like he's immune to it. This was proven during a flame war that resulted in a friendship being severed where a video was made criticizing his behavior which ended up being dislike-bombed by him and his friends.
      • Despite claiming to have left around mid-2019, he would return under the name KillerPyro but would deny any allegations made against him that he's Mar despite having the same writing style. This was later confirmed that the KillerPyro account was indeed Mar and he would be banned off the wiki permanently.
      • Eventually, shortly after the closure, he was outed as a pedophile for sending lolicon on a private Discord server with minors on it. Despite this, he tried to return to Amazing YouTubers Wiki, even went as far to claim that he founded Atrocious YouTubers Wiki, and demanded for his admin position back before the current staff booted him off.[11]
  3. The wiki had a tendency to make false claims about certain users and videos without backing up with any sort of evidence, which makes the wiki come off as defamatory rather than informative.
    • After Mar9122 got into a flame war with the aforementioned user TheToonTrain, his own page that the latter created would be edited to where he's still a bad user to that day. He was then painted out as a social justice warrior all because he disagrees with the Islam religion and is a Christian, which is absolutely far from what a SJW is.
    • On the same topic, a page was made about Voddie Bauchaum (who doesn't even have a YouTube channel but there are several videos about his sermons) and one of the pointers accused him of being a SJW all because he said he wants "social justice" in one of his sermons. Ironically, Voddie is far from that given SJWs are very supportive over LGBTQ views, in which Voddie is not.
  4. Aside from pointers 1 and 2, the wiki had an extremely immature userbase that kept the wiki from being well structured and informative.
    • For a long time, the YouTuber infobox would have a type section, which would describe the user on what he does. However, people have since abused the section and slandered said YouTubers. For instance, the CoolSuperMarioBros page's type section called him a SuperMarioLogan ripoff, but without Jeffy. While said YouTuber was criticized for being a SML ripoff by the community, the type section was not the place to be saying such.[12]
    • The category "YouTube's Downfall" was also heavily abused. Many YouTubers and videos did not at all fit this category. Some of the YouTubers that were in the category were also small YouTubers such as GoAnimators.
    • Similarly, the category "Dreadful Moments in YouTube History" was also abused and included moments that did generally nothing to YouTube entirely.
      • The flame wars that were briefly mentioned and will later be addressed were also added to the category. Because somehow a flame war involving users with less than 100 subscribers somehow brought YouTube into a downward spiral.
    • They're very dismissive to criticism, which is ironic given they criticize those who have that flaw. As stated in pointer 1, they have pages about videos and YouTubers that criticize the wiki. They have also banned several users for criticizing the wiki.
    • During Mar's time on the wiki, there was even a template to let readers know said YouTuber had an Encyclopedia Dramaticia page on them. This was because Mar somehow managed to form a short-lived partnership with the wikis despite having no relation. After that ended, the wiki was heavily mocked alongside other Outcast Network wikis on ED.
    • As mentioned previously, they were extremely anti-porn despite banning TheToonTrain and mocking him for hating porn parodies, which was the whole reason there was even a page on NSFW animator ZONE TOONS to begin with. It has since been deleted and the anti-porn restriction died down.
  5. Contributing to pointer 4, the wiki was very infamous for the amount of drama it caused, in which most, if not all of it could've just been easily prevented.
    • The aforementioned TheToonTrain and Mar conflict from pointers 2 and 3. From late 2018 to early 2019, there were 3 flame wars that occurred. While the cause for the first and third ones are unknown, the second one was caused after TheToonTrain was banned off of the wiki after allegedly (though probably not true) blamed Mar for getting banned off Awful Movies Wiki after making a page on the film Sausage Party. And so he reuploaded the video where he "chokes" Mar. Instead of ignoring him, Mar declared war on him, and soon he and his friends began making hate videos out of him.
      • It should be noted at the time TheToonTrain was 11 years old, where as Mar was basically 18, meaning the entire 3 flame wars Mar and his friends were bullying a child this entire time all because TheToonTrain acted immature.
      • Mar even threatened to DMCA him so his channel can be terminated all because TheToonTrain stole his profile picture to make his hate videos, which is contradicting because most of his friends have profile pictures of other characters. Mar's is no different, as his is from The Invisible Man. So technically, Mar is the one who stole his own profile picture from a copyrighted piece of media.
    • Shortly after the third flame war between Mar and ToonTrain, he would then get into a flame war with one of his former friends known as C4dburys, in which literally the breaking point was the later making a troll account and pranking him. In other words, the whole flame war between them happened all because of a prank gone wrong. Eventually, C4dburys cut ties with him and made a video discussing how Mar isn't a good person and that one day he'll throw all of his friends under the bus. Funny enough, he was right!
      • Despite the video making good statements about Mar, he refused to accept it, going as far as to dislike the video and even ordered his friends to do the same, resulting the video to being dislike-bombed.
        • The Nose took it one step further. He even went as far as to use other accounts just to dislike the video. The dislike-bombing became so bad C4dburys ended up deleting the video.
    • Several users would get into disagreements which would then turn into hostile flame wars over the littlest things such as customized headers that would lead in some users being blocked from a week to even indefinitely.
  6. By 2019, the wiki's reputation was so sour among the main reception wikis that eventually one of the admins would end up declaring it to be separate from the main wikis due to the heavy amounts of drama (which was ironic because once the wikis would rebrand to Qualtipedia, it would become infamous for the drama alone). This led to Mar9122 and Seanbuscus9000 creating the Outcast Network, which alone was infamous for its poor quality control and drama. In other words, this wiki was responsible for many other infamous wikis such as Horrible Vyonders Wiki, Horrid Reception Wikis Wiki and Reception Flamewars Wiki (the latter two wikis that would eventually form its more-infamous spiritual successor, Unfavorable Wikis and Users Wiki).
  7. To coincide with pointer 6, Atrocious YouTubers Wiki was pretty much the reason why Miraheze gained such a terrible reputation that was caused by other reception wikis as well, as this would leave wikis that were actually good and well-constructed to be overshadowed by the bad wikis in general. If it had not been for any of the pointers listed below, as well as the fact that maybe The Nose didn't hire Mar9122 to begin with, it could've been a solid wiki that could've improved as time went on. Instead, it was a failure led by pride, immaturity, and hostility.

Not Atrocious Qualities

  1. Believe it or not and despite them being overshadowed by the mainly poor quality pages, there were some pages that were actually well written and worthy of its own page.
    • ImJayStation (a 3AM YouTuber infamous for exploting people's deaths just for the sake of clout and attention)
    • Peluchin Entertainment (perhaps its most popular page; a Chilean YouTuber who murdered his cat out of conflict with another user)
    • Cosmodore (a former cartoon community member who self-confessed to being a pedophile)
    • SSniperWolf (a reaction YouTuber who got into hot water for doxxing JacksFilms as well as grooming minors on Omegle)
    • Ryan's World (a kids channel alleged to be child exploitation, which had also led to some disturbing implications and connections to the past regarding Ryan's parents)
  2. Whenever the wiki wasn't getting on it with each other, the userbase would have some fun categories such as games or even at one point two users (The Nose being one of the two) making memes regarding the wiki and its userbase.
    • There was a page made for the channel ACTUALLY HAPPENED where its comments section would come up with false information (given the fact the channel was known for making fake stories and claiming it's real) and ending with ACTUALLY HAPPENED
    • The comment section for the page regarding the video "ytp sexer" would imitate the quotes in the video.
    • The comment section for the page regarding the video "The Penguins of Madagascar Obtain The N Word Pass" (yes, that video) before it was deleted would claim to say the N word only to come up with anything but the slur itself.
      • One user actually did say the slur, but the comment was deleted and the user was blocked for a while.
  3. Not all of the admins on this wiki were bad. Some were actually pretty good and helped out the wiki even if their contributions didn't exactly help the wiki.
    • EijiZeBoi, before he left around 2020, was probably the wiki's best admin, even being labelled as the owner of the wiki. He managed to put well-made pages and blocked users worthy of their crime. He also constructed the wiki and gave it a fancy overhaul and was the reason why the wiki slightly improved with the restrictions of memes and parodies being lifted.
